Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Lost Time

Right now you should be doing ______ instead of being on the computer.

Ok, so it is really 6am on the day after this was posted. But yesterday was a busy day and I didn't spend all that much time on the computer. or at least I don't think I did. What is it about the computer that steals time from me? It seems like I'll hop on for a minute and next I know a half hour has flown by.

Yesterday I was truly busy and by the time I was able to hop on the computer, it was "free time."
But many days, I would hate to add up all of the lost time.


Judyy said...

I've noticed the same thing--I'm starting to think of the computer as something like the TV--I have to be careful not to let it suck me in. And like you, I don't even want to think about all the time I spend at the computer when I "could'a, would'a, should'a" been doing something else. LOL!

Meg said...

Um, yup, I sat down here almost an hour ago. Guess maybe I should go clean the kitchen now, lol! Great post!