Monday, October 16, 2006

A new holiday

Create a new holiday (e.g. Talk Like a Pirate Day). Include the origins and any special rituals of your day

Once upon a time, long long ago, people were happy and carefree. They would laugh and smile. Games would be played with other people. Conversations were about plans for the day, and how to make the day as enjoyable as can be. Little People would run about, with big grins and rosy cheeks as they chased after balls or dug in the dirt to find bugs.

Then the Dark Times came and everything became so serious. Responsibilities and "issues" kept people quiet and busy. Too busy to play. Everyone seemed to be under a cloud of gloom and worry. It was a very sad time.

Then The Faery-Fun Queen decided enough was enough. She waved her beautiful magic faery wand and sprinkled Faery-Fun Dust over the land. It was as if a kaleidoscope of good times and laughter rained down upon the Busy People. They stopped and looked at each other. Slowly, their serious faces began to smile. Laughter, a sound not herd for many years, rang out. The Little People, afraid to make a sound started to giggle, then laugh! It was a magical moment. Once again, the land was a joyful one.

In honor of the Faery-Fun Queen, every day is now declared to be a Happy One. To celebrate the day, smiles and laughter must be seen and heard. People must look forward to having time to relax and be with other happy people. Children are required to be kids. "issues" and worries must be put aside for a part of the day, so that the heart may smile as well.

Long live the Faery-Fun Queen!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ummm, maybe I should do this one later....

If you procrastinate, what is your most popular excuse
and why?

My procrastination ties into my perfectionism. I want it to be perfect. So if I want to make a special dinner, I want to wait until the house is clean, and everyone is happy. (no they don't ever seem to happen at the same time.

Or I want to be able to have "enough" time. When I paper scrapped I "had to have" at least a few hours, I couldn't just pull out a few things and squeeze in a bit here and there. And that mentality goes for many things in my life. This is hard because due to my schedule- kids, bus stop runs, errands, working, karate, gymnastics,etc-- there are very few decent chunks of time in my life. (Which is a huge reason I love to digi-scrap!)
It makes it "easy" to procrastinate because it seems like never enough time to get started, let alone finished.
And for the record, I started this one yesterday morning and here I am, finishing it up today. :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

TV shows

Of all the TV programs, which one have you watched the most? Why?
Is it connected in some way to your life and/or perspective?

I am actually not much of a tv person, I would rather read than watch tv. But in the last year, since we got the DVR (digital recorder, like Tivo) with our cable package, it feels like i am watching more tv than ever.

Right now I like mostly the crime dramas; CSI, NCIS, Law and Order and so on. I used to like comedies, like Friends but my life seems pretty serious still. Doesn't feel like there is much to laugh at.

However I am enjoying a couple of comedies. I gotta get my Jon Stewart/Steven Colbert fix. I watch the re-runs at 8-9 pm. They are always good for a laugh. I recently heard that there are Stewart/Colbert for Prez t-shirts. I think I should get one-- I'd vote for them.